The following is an anti-Semitic rant that was posted on an official Obama website;
They fear peace By Kate Smythe-Blake - July 19th, 2008 at 10:23 pm
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The kike filth are trying to steal this election from us. But this is our time. The kike live in fear of peace. They fear happiness. The thought of people living happily in peace without killing each other frightens the horde of kike that runs our government. But when pieces of kike use their kike manipulation tactics to stop Barack, it is time to strike back. There is nothing a kike army can do when faced with progressive people who are determined to achieve peace. We will achieve lasting peace.
This extremely bigoted post is not an isolated incident. Back on June 8th, a post entitled
How the Jewish Lobby Works was published on the same website by Juan Carlos (see webshot below).

Thanks to
Little Green Footballs for the webshot. Blogs, such as Little Green Footballs, have been instrumental in exposing these hate filled posts. They have since been removed from the Obama site.
Liberal anti-Semitism is nothing new and it has been expressed by even prominent liberal Democrats. Former Democratic Senator Fritz Hollings was denounced by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for his statements in opposition to the Iraq war. Hollings had said, "With Iraq no threat, why invade a sovereign country? The answer. President Bush's policy to secure Israel....[S]preading democracy in the Mideast to secure Israel would take votes away from the Democrats." House Democrat James P. Moran (VA) had to step down from a party leadership post after he expressed similar opinions.
Jesse Jackson called Jews "Hymie" and referred to New York as "Hymietown." Jackson friend, the anti-Semitic Minister Louis Farrakan publicly threatened the life of the reporter who exposed Jackson's anti-Semitic remarks and warned Jews not to harm Jackson. Al Sharpton called Jews "diamond merchants" during an uprising in the Crown Heights district of New York, and said, "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."
In 1974, Hillary Rodham called Bill Fray, the campaign manager of then boyfriend Bill Clinton, a "f---ing Jew bastard." In 1986, when Clinton consultant Dick Morris asked for a raise, Hillary screamed at him, "Money! That's all you people care about is money." Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson claims that during the Clinton's numerous verbal brawls, " it was quite common" for both Bill and Hillary to refer to one another as "a Jew bastard" or "a Jew motherf---er."
Jimmy Carter also got a lot of heat following the release of his book,
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. The title itself was enough to raise eyebrows. The ADL's Abe Foxman wrote to Carter that "In both your book and in your many television and print interviews you have been feeding into conspiracy theories about excessive Jewish power and control. Considering the history of anti-Semitism, even in our great country, this is very dangerous stuff." Carter, apparently not deterred at all by the controversy, traveled to Damascus, Syria earlier this year to meet with the exiled Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal in spite of Israeli and U.S. objections.
Liberals love the United Nations (UN). To them the UN is the first and last stop in resolving all international disputes. They do not seem the least bit bothered by the fact that the UN is also notoriously anti-Semitic. On Sept. 7, 2001, just days before the 9/11 attacks, the
UN World Conference Against Racism began in Durban, South Africa. Contrary to it's name the conference gave a global stage to pro-Palestinian anti-Semites. The unfolding hate fest included the distribution of leaflets depicting Jews as Nazis, fanged beasts, and bloodsucking money-hungry parasites. Despite the Sudanese genocide in Darfur, the UN General Assembly has issued no resolutions condemning Sudan, but has condemned Israel 22 times for how it deals with anti-Israeli terrorists, the Palestinians. There are those, and I count myself one of them, who believe that the UN supports the abolition of the state of Israel.
There are undoubtedly numerous anti-Semitic blogs and websites on the Internet. I have had the misfortune to have come across couple of them. is an extensive website totally devoted to the conspiracy theory that the President, along with the Israelis, engineered and executed the 9/11 attacks.
Liberal white boy claims in the description of his blog to be a self loathing Christian. I can believe that since he is also a hate filled bigot.
How is it that egalitarian, open minded, and tolerant Liberals become hate filled anti-Semites. The answer is; they are Marxists. Marxist believe that religion is the 'opiate of the masses.' Religious people are not willing to trade their spiritual faith for the secular Marxist faith in
dialectical materialism. The Jewish people have always suffered persecution because of their faith. Mohammad originally viewed the Jews as potential allies. However, when the Jews of Medina refused to convert to Islam, he had all the Jewish men slaughtered and the women and children taken as slaves. Liberals view Jews, as well as Christians, as a bar to achieving their goals.
Liberals, as Marxists, fall prey to an age old stereotypical view of Jews as a money hungry people. Since Liberals accept this stereotype, they view Jews as the movers and shakers in our capitalist society, the oppressors of the masses. They, the Jews, are a deeply entrenched part of a system that Liberals are trying to overthrow. They are the enemy.
Finally, Liberals have bought into the notion that there is a Jewish conspiracy to exert power and control over the governments of the world. This stereotype has been around since the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion was being circulated in the 19th century. This publication was extremely useful to Hitler in justifying the Holocaust and has been run in a 41-part series on state run Egyptian television. The
Protocols have long been proven to be both fictional and a hoax, but it has not deterred those who need it as an excuse for hate.
Given the long and terrible
history of persecution which the Jewish people have suffered, it is inexcusable for any sane and civilized person to be a party to it's continuation. Then again, liberals are neither sane nor civilized.