"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."-Edmund Burke
MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell and liberal bloggers are defending these demonstrations of adoration and allegiance with the 'what's the big deal' defense. But, the left knows what the 'big deal' is. They know that this is indoctrination, and that is precisely why they are fine with it. All modern day tyrannical regimes use the public school system to promote and perpetuate loyalty, and most deny it. Adolf Hitler however, was quite open about it.
"When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side, I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.' " - Adolf Hitler, Nov. 1933
NBC is denying ALG's allegations. NBC News president Steve Capus said, “I’m still in shock, and outraged that this reckless organization would go out with such a defamatory, irresponsible statement."According to ALG records, the email came from the Blackberry and email address of Jane Stone, a producer for NBC's Dateline. The email was sent to Alex Rosenwald, the ALG Director of Media Outreach.
The news release to which Ms Stone apparently responded was one in which ALG called upon Congress to defund ACORN. Americans for Limited Government does not contend that NBC or its parent company GE, are anti-Semitic. What is highly disturbing, however, is that there clearly is a culture at NBC that has allowed this person who clearly has issues to go unchecked.
Ms Stone claims she did not send the offensive email. If that is not the case, we at ALG call upon her to help ascertain who did send it using her Blackberry and her email address. If Ms Stone did, in fact, send it, we at ALG call upon Ms Stone to apologize to Mr. Rosenwald, and we call upon the NBC hierarchy above Ms Stone to join her in issuing that apology.
ALG Response to NBC Accusations on Politico: "We did our due diligence."
Carter Clews, Director of Communications, Americans for Limited Government
We at Americans for Limited Government are saddened that instead of helping us to get to the bottom of the hateful email that was indeed sent from NBC's server, and this can be verified, and was not tampered with, which can also be verified, that NBCPresident Steve Capus has instead chosen to circle the wagons and protect what is indefensible with hysterical, frantic accusations.
This email has left a digital footprint that is undeniable. We did our due diligence. We have confirmed that it indeed came from NBC's server and Jane Stone's email address.
As before, we renew our offer that we made to both Ms. Stone and NBC President Capus over the phone today to get to the bottom of who sent this email from Ms. Stone's Blackberry email address. That offer remains open, and we would like it very much if both Ms. Stone and NBC would issue an apology to both Americans for Limited Government, and Mr. Alex Rosenwald, who was the target of this hateful email.
A dedicated member of PETA taking her pet for a walk through Wal-Mart.
And, the assistant's, assistant.
Giving us a big double thumbs up is the assistant to the assistant 'Penis Envy' Czar.
Here we see Obama's 'Death Panel' Czar.
The 'Conserving Our Natural Resources' Czar.
Here we have one of the interns from Speaker Pelosi's office.
Photos from People of Wal-Mart
"In a March 31, 1977 interview with the Amsterdam-based newspaper Dagblad de Verdieping Trouw, PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhse’in said: The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."
Republican legislators say that Specter's optimism over a passage of this bill before the end of the year is unrealistic. At the moment, Democrats do not have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. We need to get every Republican on board to oppose this bill, because any legislation which gives unions additional leverage is a job killer.
Virginia, where I live, is a 'right to work' state. That means that trade unions are specifically barred from entering into agreement with employers so that new hires must join the union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. One of the arguments in favor of 'right to work' statutes is that right to work states tend to have lower unemployment rates than states that have not adopted this legislation. That is true.
The Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2009 (HR 3548) is very close to passage and would extend unemployment benefits another 13 weeks in states with unemployment levels above 8.5%. There are 23 states in the union which would not qualify for the extension (have unemployment rates below 8.5%). Of those states, more than half (12) are right to work states. Of the top ten states with the lowest unemployment rates, eight of them are 'right to work' states. They are:
There is, however, real racism being demonstrated in this issue. It is real racism to characterize the 'tea party movement' as the sole product of gun toting white bigots. Even worse, there is real racism on display with respect to the voices of decent which are being ignored, and even hidden from the public by the MSM. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not suggesting that there is any legitimacy to the leftist notion that the first amendment to the Constitution is a guarantee of a persons right to be heard. It is not. It is only a guarantee of an individuals right to speak, it is not a right to be heard. What I am saying is this, that there are voices of concerned Americans which are being ignored for reasons of race.
Voices like those of Walter E. Williams, who stated plainly his opposition to Obamacare in Live Free or Die;
“I doubt whether there are many Americans who think Congress has either the right or competency to choose where they live, what clothes they wear or what cars they drive. Yet many Americans stand ready to allow Congress to decide what doctors they go to and what treatments they receive. We forget that once we have government-sponsored health care, it can be used to justify almost any restraint on liberty. That's the justification behind helmet and seatbelt laws.
Britain is well along the road toward totally controlling health care. Steyn says, "Under Britain's National Health Service, for example, smokers in Manchester have been denied treatment for heart disease, and the obese in Suffolk are refused hip and knee replacements. Patricia Hewitt, the British Health Secretary, says that it's appropriate to decline treatment on the basis of 'lifestyle choices.'" Steyn adds, "Smokers and the obese may look at their gay neighbor having unprotected sex with multiple partners, and wonder why his 'lifestyle choices' get a pass while theirs don't. But that's the point: Tyranny is always whimsical."
"But I will acknowledge at this point, and I suppose English people are a bit different from you, because instead of truck we say lorry, instead of elevator we say lift, and instead of letting people die in the street we have free health care."Under Great Britain's NHS elderly patients routinely, and often erroneously, fall under the purview of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), often referred to by critics as the "Death Pathway". The LCP is nothing less that a health care rationing system that all too often sentences patients to death who are merely suffering from dehydration or have been over medicated. On the issue of the quality of care under NHS, the British Patients Association has recently issued a report in which it was very critical of health care under the NHS. The Telegraph reports that;
"In the last six years, the Patients Association claims hundreds of thousands have suffered from poor standards of nursing, often with 'neglectful, demeaning, painful and sometimes downright cruel' treatment. The charity has disclosed a horrifying catalogue of elderly people left in pain, in soiled bed clothes, denied adequate food and drink, and suffering from repeatedly cancelled operations, missed diagnoses and dismissive staff."
"I think people are guilty of that kind of personal attack against Obama, have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happened to be African American."
Mr. West's publicist refused to comment on whether Kanye's remarks were racially motivated.
Michael Steele took 'der Nationalen Hämorrhoiden' to task on the racism issue late Wednesday.
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Of the massive showing by tea party protesters yesterday, White House senior adviser David Axelrod said today that the 'tea party movement' does not represent the majority of Americans who support health care reform. Really, Mr. Axelrod! Hundreds of thousands of people from across the nation got up off their butts and traveled to Congress' door step to protest against it yesterday, while fraction of that showed up today to support it, and you, Mr. Axelrod, can make that statement with a straight face? I've got news flash for you, Mr. Axelrod! Perception is everything!
UPDATE: Daily Kos bemoans dismally small turn out. 09/14/09
A contributor to the Daily Kos website estimated the numbers at the pro-healthcare rally yesterday at anywhere from 500 to 1000 participants and blames the NFL for dismal turn out. Hey, check it out yourself, I couldn't make this stuff up. Here are a few shots from the rally.
"How did a 'commie' like Van Jones get through the vetting process?"
"Much of the Republican side of Congress sat through the speech grumpily looking like sad rabbits, sitting on their hands. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, Blackberry in hand, texted throughout the speech. Some Republicans waved papers at the president. One Joe Wilson of South Carolina took it a disrespectful step further by actually shouting out "You lie!" at the president after Obama said the healthcare plan would not cover illegal immigrants. That was shocking in the sense that it is rare for a politician to directly call another politician a liar to their face, but it was a dangerous precedent in that Wilson did this during a joint session of congress to the President of the United States while he was speaking......it was an pretty big sign of disrespect to the office of the president."
"I met all these young radical people of color– I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'It was Van Jones who decided to found the Marxist organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). It was Van Jones who established the racially biased 'Green For All' and 'Color of Change' organizations. It was Van Jones who said of the Columbine massacre;
"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never. They always say, 'We can't believe it happened here. We can't believe it's these suburban white kids.' It's only them!" "Now, a black kid might shoot another black kid. He's not going to shoot up the whole school."
Let me know what you think. At the top of the sidebar you will find a poll concerning this question.
It is obvious that these individuals want to know who the socialists are in our government. In addition, many of the page loads for that post came from a link which was placed in a discussion at a social networking site, the comment section of a blog, or an e-mail which someone was sent. Even though The Patriot Page does not generate a whole lot of traffic, and since I am a optimist, I prefer to view these things as an indication of a broader shift in American political thought.
And now, on a somewhat disturbing note, I must report that a small minority of keyword searches were from individuals looking for pictures of Nancy Pelosi in a bikini. If they are out there, and you have had the misfortune to have actually seen them, I sincerely hope that the loss of your eyesight will only be temporary.
"I voted for Obama, even though I am a staunch conservative. Why? Because McCain was the worst possible Republican candidate they could have chosen. I wanted the GOP to get a wake-up call. Instead, I got a wake-up call. The message? No matter how bad a Republican candidate might be, he/she would at least be in favor of the USA and it's freedoms. Instead we got a radical, racist, Marxist who is intent on destroying the principles on which this great nation was founded. I am so sorry I voted for Barry. Even Hillary would have been better."Hind sight is always 20/20! I suppose for some, there may be additional pain that they may have to endure beyond the remorse.
In reality, those who voted for Obama need not don sackcloth and ashes. It is not entirely their fault. The socialist wing of the Democratic party has been in the leadership thereof for more than a quarter of a century. America should have had this debate a long time ago, long before we found ourselves on the very brink of losing our republic. If America truly learns from this experience, the Democratic party is finished as a political power. If not, America may be in for a very long and painful struggle.